Get our team's advice on everything from delivering digital transformation, to selecting your platform, optimising your website & boosting member conversion. Plus our latest news.
At Pixl8, we find that the best results are gained from ongoing optimisation. An example of this evolutionary approach is the Chartered Banker Institute (CBI) Enterprise Membership Scheme. See the recent project we delivered for the CBI.
Taking payments on websites is something that we are constantly striving to improve. Read about our product features that make the process as clear as possible.
Capturing and reporting on financial transactions can be a time-consuming process for organisations. See how our CRM integration eliminates manual errors and reduces stress at a very busy time.
At Pixl8 we try to be as flexible as possible and understand that delivering against a scope is the starting point for success. We are making sure that our products are flexible enough to meet your business needs.
Over the last year many organisations have been seeing the benefits of ReadyMembership. See how our all-in-one digital platform has helped them, and what it could mean for your organisation.
As the year comes to an end, we share our personal highlights of 2020. You can see some of the latest website launches, hear about our product developments and read what our clients have to say.
We are committed to maintaining our digital platforms, based on client needs and our understanding of the membership sector. Read about the latest major features introduced to our Preside and ReadyMembership platforms.
ReadyMembership is an all-in-one platform which includes and integrates CRM, CMS, Payments, Events and Awards management and Email. But how can it help you? Here are just a few highlights and latest features.