10 Mar 2022

Easier submissions management

Running a membership programme often involves managing member requests and submissions. Whether a call for abstracts, grant applications or event proposals - information has to be collected, reviewed, approved and published online. 

Now there’s a way to make this time consuming process quicker and easier - our Submissions Manager, available in ReadyMembership.  Here are two membership organisations which are already seeing its benefits:

Event submissions for all
These events are submitted through the CBA website - built on ReadyMembership by Pixl8. Event organisers login or register on the website and submit details of their event.  They can add details on everything from event title, description, time, date and location to booking info, contact details, listing images, social media handles and more. The CBA also included a form asking supplementary questions about each organisation’s role in the sector.

All these details are pulled into a single submission entry which the CBA team views in the ReadyMembership platform. Assigned approvers review the event and approve or reject it. Reasons for rejection can be selected from a list created in the manager.

Once status has moved from ‘Pending approval” to ‘Approved’ details are automatically published on the CBA website. They are also tagged onto an online map of the UK - making it easy for users to see festival events near to them.

Conferences - call for abstracts

The Society for Experimental Biology is hosting its annual conference from the 5-8 July 2022 in France. It is using the ReadyMembership submissions manager to organise calls for Abstracts. Scientists from across the world submit their research for the chance to present their findings at the conference.


They submit abstracts through the SEB website. Once received, the abstracts are assigned Pending Review status in ReadyMembership. They are then allocated to reviewers who have been set up in the platform, who approve or reject them. Approved abstracts are automatically published into the event page.

A dashboard enables the team to easily keep track of the number of submissions, how many of them are pending review and the number of days until the call for abstracts closes. 

All designated approvers having access to abstracts in ReadyMembership giving the opportunity for peer to peer review before final approval.

Filters can also be created to easily search for and group abstracts in different ways - for example by organisation, specialism or country.

Making grants easier to apply for

The SEB is also using the Submissions manager to process applications for travel grants to their 2022 conference. Applicants submit their case for financial support through the SEB website. Authorised staff approve or reject submissions in ReadyMembership. All applications are seen in one place and decisions can be made quickly. The SEB are also using the platform to manage a range of other grants.

Expanding submissions

Grants, calls for abstracts and events are just the start for the submissions manager. In the future it will be possible to request, review and publish third-party news stories, resources and job listings.  Membership teams will be able to request their submissions through their website, review, approve or reject in ReadyMembership and then publish details immediately on their website. 

It will also be possible to schedule approved calls for abstracts into events, allocate session slots and automatically add information into the event page. 

The Submissions Manager is providing speedy solutions for membership organisations of all sizes. It is saving time, reducing administration and making life easier for members and staff.

If you would like to find out more about how it can help your team - do get in touch.