8 Dec 2021

Seamless online learning



Brightspace is a learning management system (LMS) by D2L used by over 14 million people worldwide, and we’ve recently partnered up with them to provide a seamless link with ReadyMembership.

Our first two projects with them are almost ready to go live, so it is a good  time to discuss how the integration works, and what the mutual benefits are from using it. 


 Steve Dowle, Head of Product


Simple management of course participation

If you have a large membership base, then managing who has access to your courses on Brightspace or any LMS can be tricky. With our integration, we’ve tried to make this as simple and as automated as possible.

Using our rules engine you can automatically grant or revoke access to courses based on any number of criteria. For example, as part of student membership, members might get access to certain courses, and if they upgrade at some point to full membership, then they get access to even more. 

For this you can use filters to identify those users who have an active student membership and select the courses they are entitled to. As the user then qualifies for this condition they are automatically granted access in Brightspace to these courses, and if their membership expires, then you can optionally automatically revoke access. You can of course manually assign and revoke courses for users as well, either individually or in bulk.

If you are using our e-commerce solution as well, then you can then sell courses in your online shop. For this you would create a shop product and pick one or many courses, set a price and sell it like any other shop product. When these shop items are purchased, it automatically grants access to those courses in Brightspace and notifies the purchaser that these are now available.

Seamless experience

Often with separate systems you’ll have different login credentials, making the experience clunky and often frustrating. With the ReadyMembership integration, you will single sign-on between the two, so once you are logged in on your website you won’t need to login when you visit Brightspace. Within your membership area, you’ll find details of the courses you have access to and your current progress, so you can seamlessly move between the two.

Nurture and encourage learning

With all the best intentions, having access to learning materials doesn’t necessarily mean that you make full use of them. Our Brightspace integration pulls in and stores information on module usage and login activity, meaning that you are able to use rules and filters to target users in the same way you can do for any piece of data in ReadyMembership.

If you find, for example, that members are starting modules but never completing them, then you could target a subtle message to them on your weekly email newsletter. Or if a number of people have almost completed a course but haven’t logged into Brightspace for a few months, then you could display an announcement on ReadyMembership to try and get them to re-engage in completing their course.

As you can see, integrating Brightspace with ReadyMembership offers some huge benefits for managing a membership website; managing who gets access to what courses, providing opportunities for selling; seamless experience for users and encouraging them to participate in the courses they have access to.

See how our integration works in the video below. If you’re interested in a demo of Brightspace or how it integrates with ReadyMembership then do get in touch.