8 Dec 2021

The January acquisition opportunity

For many people the new year is the chance to think differently and plan ahead. 

For those of you who have rolling membership schemes, don’t miss out on the fantastic opportunity to give your membership scheme that extra boost at the beginning of the year. 

I have seen how investing more in your digital advertising and optimising your join page can really yield dividends - with some schemes, you can see up to 30% of members joining at this time of year. 


Lucy Conlan, Senior marketing consultant

At Pixl8, we take a holistic view to understand our client needs and opportunities and have seen how new approaches can have a swift boost for acquisition for clients like the Federation of Master Builders and Twins Trust.

Consider what the unique January moment means - people want to develop their skills, get that promotion, grow their network or simply make life that bit more enjoyable and interesting. 

Top 5 tips for a successful January campaign:

  • Start early - the January campaign can actually start on Boxing Day
  • Enhance your membership proposition - this is not about featuring micro benefits but positioning the whole scheme
  • Establish a consistent look and feel across all media AND importantly your bespoke landing page
  • Go beyond digital - consider a postcard, DM prompt or phone call to high value segments
  • Review and iterate - digital gives you the opportunity to refine your campaign in real time; consider what the statistics are showing you from the first week in January

Beyond membership

For those of you who have a fixed start date for your membership, then consider what you can offer - is there an event, a conference, a community group you want to promote? You may have a new item or research or a publication to release to boost your data capture and prospect base.

Identify areas of your website that need optimising early and make the most out of content that will connect beyond your base. You will be in a great position to convert new members at the start of the New Year.

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