4 Jun 2020

Be fleet of foot and strategic: How digital can drive sustainable growth

In partnership with memcom interactive

Pixl8 Consultants Luke Holderness and Neil Rosewarn held a session on driving sustainable growth at this year's memcom interactive.

Over the past months, the membership sector has been more digitally focused than ever before. With innovation at the forefront of our minds, we explored what it takes to deliver truly impactful change.

To inspire your users, a lot more than technology is needed. A clear focus on what’s important to prioritise what has an impact is key.

Being able to test and optimise and to apply insights as well as residual knowledge can give you a headstart.

We considered how tone of voice, imagery and usability play an important role in driving conversions on your website.

The topics we covered included:

  • What influences user experience
  • Conversion quick wins
  • Championing member needs

In this session, we outlined the basics of UX design as well as best practice examples. Attendees gained insights into digital quick wins and our top tips to strategically grow their websites' impact. 

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