5 Sep 2022

2022 Membership Forecast

Now in its third year, Pixl8’s Membership Forecast 2022 is established as an important sector guide to digital trends, issues and opportunities. 

The last three years have witnessed significant changes of focus in the sector and we are beginning to see membership models develop more of their digital membership benefits as well as content and promotions. 


In this year’s Forecast you will be able to see what membership organisations are reporting on key issues such as: 

  • Levels of digital maturity across membership organisations
  • The balance between acquisition and retention
  • The barriers to achieving digital ambitions
  • New! The individual successes that organisations have shared 

Be guided and inspired by the sector and consider what you need to address.

Fill in the form to get your copy now. A link to download the report will be displayed after you submit the form.

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