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The College oversees the training of pathologists and scientists working in 19 different specialties, which include cellular pathology, haematology, clinical biochemistry and medical microbiology.
The old website was dated and organised by college departments departments rather than audiences, making content hard to find for a wide range of website users. We were tasked with building a fully responsive website and information architecture that put the user first. The other goal was to build a custom content management system that made it easier for teams to customise web content and manage membership - all in one place.
A mobile responsive, modern website running on PresideCMS that dramatically improved the user experience across the board and reflects the status and brand of the Royal College. Managing the website is much easier now that the whole team is able to share the reponsibility for content management.
A large part of the project was the development of seamless integration with Integra CRM. Both the Pixl8 and RCPath teams worked hard to ensure both systems work together to deliver the best possible user experience which now works without any reliance on the Integra OLS system. A list of features delivered and integrated is below.
One of the country's leading membership organisations, The Federation of Small Businesses, celebrates the success of businesses through awards. See how we developed a dynamic awards management system for the FSB's events.
Why choose Pixl8? You can draw on our experience of delivering a wide range of digital projects for over 200 membership organisations.