16 May 2024

Guide to continuous improvement

Are you changing your technology?  Are you struggling to use your current platforms for continuous improvement? Whether a new implementation or an optimisation project, your organisation needs to be able to embrace change  - and change is difficult.

Technology projects are often complex involving multiple stakeholders, but they will all involve your people, platforms (technology) and processes. Understanding your needs in each of these areas, how sophisticated they are and will need to be is vital. 



But what are the right questions? In this guide we’ll take you through what you need to ask about yourself - and your tech partner to prepare you for successful continuous improvement.

We’re not going to pretend this guide will make it a piece of cake but we hope it will help you be less overwhelmed. 

This guide will help you:

  • Discover why continuous improvement is important for membership organisations
  • Understand where you are now with your people, processes and technology - and what you need going forward
  • Know your technology options and which are right for you
  • Understand the governance and roles that need to be in place for ongoing success
  • Learn how to create a culture of change that keeps you improving
  • See what a good vendor partnership looks like
  • Understand when a full relaunch is needed

At the end of our guide you will find a handy checklist to help create and kick-start your road to continuous improvement.

Fill in the form below to get your copy. Note: this will download directly to your desktop.

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