8 Mar 2024

Roles in tech and how to attract diverse talent to them

There is still a sizable gender gap in the technology industry. A 2023 report from Women in Tech shows that only 26% of people working in UK tech companies are women. 70% of survey respondents said that they thought there was a gender imbalance in the organisation or team. 

At Pixl8 we believe that we benefit from having women in a wide range of roles across the business and are pleased that 39% of our staff are female. Women are having a positive impact across our teams and there are opportunities to develop successful careers here and in the wider industry.

To mark International Women’s Day we talk to three women at Pixl8 Group who came into the tech industry from very different backgrounds. 

They are Lucy Dell, Senior Account Manager, Donna Hanlon, Senior Product Delivery Manager, and Technical Lead Jasmin Tsai. We discussed their journey in tech, motivations and advice for women looking to build careers in the industry.

If you’re concerned about the stereotype that coding is only for men - don’t be intimidated. For anyone, go for what you want to do and persist with it. Don’t give up and don’t be afraid to try something new.

Jasmin Tsai

Technical Lead, Pixl8 Group


 What was your route into the tech industry?


Lucy:  I started as a PA in creative and digital agencies, coordinating teams and moved into a service delivery role in a tech agency. This involved working closely with developers and becoming a bridge between them and clients - translating technical language so that it could be easily understood. It opened my eyes to account management, and I went on to work in another tech agency specialising in membership which brought me to Pixl8!




Donna: I worked in operations management in various industries before moving onto transformation projects for organisations including the NHS. It involved collaborating and consulting with cross-functional teams, understanding their mindsets and what they were trying to achieve when bringing in new systems - great preparation for my current role! Later, I joined consultancy Hart Square, where I worked closely with software providers. I was fascinated by how things worked and wanted to learn more. So I retrained, taking a certified Scrum Master course, a Business Analyst Course and now I’m working on my Agile Project Management certification.


Jasmin: I first worked as a flight attendant and risk management in actuarial science. I then worked for an insurance company and collaborated with external developers on upgrading their IT systems. My involvement with technical issues got me interested in the area and made me want to learn more about programming and website development. I taught myself basic Python and PHP (coding language) then decided to join a full-time coding boot camp that taught Ruby on Rails. My first tech job after qualifying was here at Pixl8.

Do you think that there is a male/female divide in tech?

Donna: There is still an underrepresentation of women in IT overall. It has improved but it needs to get better. Women have lots to offer - regardless of their life stage or background - if you love technology and it’s a passion, then there is a place for you.

Lucy:  In my 18+ years working in client-facing roles, I’ve found the gender split to be fairly balanced. 

Jasmin: I had never considered a career in technology previously. I held the stereotypical view that coding was just for men - which isn’t true. Of the 20 people in my coding class only 3 were women but being in a minority didn’t hold me back in pursuing a career in the industry. There are a range of roles in tech for men and women - it’s about having the right mix of skills and mindset.

I think women bring soft-skills that can be very beneficial for tech teams and their clients. Empathy for your colleagues and clients brings you closer and helps you collaborate better.

Lucy Dell

Senior Account Manager, Pixl8 Group

What do you need to succeed in your role?

Donna: Being able to get on with other people is important so that you can bring out the best in them, help them collaborate and bring their strengths together. For people to feel the benefits of technology and to deliver a successful project you need to bring talented people together - internally and externally. A good knowledge of our platform is also key to understanding potential solutions and where modifications are needed.

Lucy: I agree that building positive relationships is important.  For me, it’s also about getting to know people and understanding them on a personal level. Regularly communicating with the client, having a holistic view of what is happening in their organisation and providing a great customer experience that adds value is what my role is all about. 

Jasmin: Having mathematical and logical thinking helps with problem-solving. A lot of our challenges require structured thinking to find the best technical solution. Being a team player, sharing knowledge and helping colleagues make the right decisions helps the whole team succeed.

How do you think businesses benefit from having women in development?

Donna: I think women often succeed in people-oriented roles that bring people together. A mix of genders boosts team creativity and collaboration. Women can be more collaborative in their approach to problem-solving.

Lucy: I think women bring soft-skills that can be very beneficial for tech teams and their clients. Empathy for your colleagues and clients brings you closer and helps you collaborate better. Having high levels of emotional intelligence is a good skill to have - for men and women!

Jasmin: In my experience, women bring strong attention to detail and have different perspectives when looking at client requirements.  This can benefit the business as they can spot and help solve problems that others can’t see. 

What do you love about your role?

Lucy: I really like being part of a team - culturally at Pixl8, there’s a real sense of people caring about what they do and wanting our clients to be successful. It’s lovely when we get positive feedback from clients!

Donna: It’s wonderfully satisfying when you meet a client after their platform has gone live and you hear how the technology has made a big difference to their business success. 

Jasmin: My experience at Pixl8 has also been very positive - there doesn’t feel like there is a gender divide - it’s all about the team working together to achieve the best outcome for clients.

What is your advice to women who want to move into the tech industry?

Donna:  Identify what you are interested in, what gaps you have in your skillsets or experience and what you need to do to bridge that gap. Use the network that you have built up over time to help you into your next route. It might be a case of retraining or moving down or sideways before going up the career ladder again. Focus on your passion, knock on doors and find those companies that will welcome you and get you started.

Lucy: Understanding the stages of a typical project life-cycle - and where your client needs to be involved is important in account management. You also need to understand the practical & business impact of development work so that you can communicate them to the client.  Accept that you can’t know all the ins and outs of coding - that is your developers' role - but hone questions for your team that will ultimately help the client understand how their objectives will be achieved.

Jasmin: If you’re concerned about the stereotype that coding is only for men - don’t be intimidated. For anyone, go for what you want to do and persist with it. Don’t give up and don’t be afraid to try something new.

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