The Pixl8 team will be attending the UK's most valuable conference for association leaders & executives, the Associations UK Congress in 2023 - a physical event, now in its 16th year. Talk to us about your digital ambitions and find out about our all-in-one association management system - ReadyMembership.

Congress Theme

This year's theme is "Innovation to survive and thrive". Sessions, each with their own topic, will consider innovation:

  • How innovation has led to greater success and profit in each area
  • What are the most recent innovations
  • How technology has enabled innovation

Value of attending

  1. Learn new ways to deliver value for your members
  2. Ensure the financial viability of your association by delivering and communicating value to members
  3. Inform yourself of developments of leading associations, so you are best placed to develop your own successful strategy
  4. Build relationships with your peers in similar associations
  5. Gain recognition for sharing your experiences and opinion
  6. Develop your knowledge, know-how and network to enhance your career progression
  7. Enhance your executive skills in the dedicated stream
  8. Update yourself and discover best-in-breed suppliers to support your organisation & events

Meet strategic suppliers

Book a meeting with us by using one of your six dedicated supplier meeting slots. 

  • Only 6 x 15 minute appointments over the two days
  • No appointments during session time
  • Select which suppliers you want to meet, with two convention bureaus/venues and four of any other type
  • All appointments are "get to know" discovery style

Find out more and book your ticket for Associations UK Congress by clicking "Go to event website".